(This page is an archive of comments recieved for M2L. For the time being, no further comments can be added as the host site has shut down.) I appreciate you so much. my tummy hurts as I am typing this out. Leave a message, honey bum.
Evan, send me a picture of your miffy diffuser at clickthemouse00@gmail.com. i just want to see
8:20pm 09-22-2023
what machine do you Love?
my dvd player
watch fight club and point break <3
Replied on: 11:57am 09-23-2023
thank u riel for ur love
8:19pm 09-22-2023
what machine do you Love?
Mario kart
Replied on: 11:57am 09-23-2023
I trust u
8:19pm 09-22-2023
what machine do you Love?
magic bullet
Replied on: 11:59am 09-23-2023
8:18pm 09-22-2023
what machine do you Love?
Pink and White iDog speaker
I play black eyed peas on it
Replied on: 12:01pm 09-23-2023
I respect you
8:16pm 09-22-2023
what machine do you Love?
Replied on: 12:02pm 09-23-2023
Big Hungry hugs for MonkeyManEatBUg
7:03pm 09-22-2023
what machine do you Love?
my Hitachi(s)
Replied on: 12:02pm 09-23-2023
I hope u guys do aftercare
7:02pm 09-22-2023
what machine do you Love?
hair dryer
my hair dryer and I have a new budding relationship, we are in our honeymoon phase. its really cool.
Replied on: 12:04pm 09-23-2023
Lots of love sent to your hair dryer and your relationship. May your hair be scented like
strawberries and may your relationship feel like cool rain in summers heat
6:58pm 09-22-2023
what machine do you Love?
Washing and Drying Machine
I worship you guys. I owe you so much. Cleaning my bed sheets and climbing
into them when their clean and freshly warm, it's the best fucking feeling ever. You guys provide me
that comfort.
Thanks for doing so much without ever asking for anything in return.
Replied on: 12:06pm 09-23-2023
I appreciate the Genuity. I hope they heard you typing from the Bows to your home
5:36pm 09-22-2023
Lana and Tegan
what machine do you Love?
elevator and coffee maker
I love you elevator, you get me floor to floor and I can dance in you
when I'm alone on the way up - L
I love you coffee maker and sometimes I use you too much. You make good coffee, keep up the good
work soldier. - T
Replied on: 12:07pm 09-23-2023
You guys are so romantic. I would kill to be your elevator and I wonder what your coffee maker
does to make it taste so good. The secret ingredient is love. But what does that mean?
5:29pm 09-22-2023
what machine do you Love?
air purifier
I love you although I thought I didn't need you because I thought air was fine on its own but it
turns out I have asthma and there is a lot of dust and tiny tiny bugs that make me wheeze. you're on
all the time, I wonder if you need a break every now and then. you work so hard. thank u <3
Replied on: 12:08pm 09-23-2023
Love is the most potent when we are unaware we need it
5:27pm 09-22-2023
what machine do you Love?
air fryer
I love airfreyrt to make food
Replied on: 12:08pm 09-23-2023
Thanks Gous
10:08am 09-20-2023
what machine do you Love?
drink some ginger tea to help with the tummy, i love You!
Replied on: 12:09pm 09-23-2023
Heart emoji. The tummyness has passed. thank you for the love. I love you too
9:09pm 09-19-2023
what machine do you Love?
they're all so good to me, but i Love my laptop, my electric
kettle, and the toaster oven the most
what a beautiful site and experience ! i believe in art
Replied on: 12:10pm 09-23-2023
THank u alisa. I hope all three of your machiness have been keeping you warm and safe and full
these days
7:49am 09-18-2023
what machine do you Love?
My laptop
All I can really say is thank you. for not only visualizing, but verbalizing how I've felt for years. Love machines Love objects 4 ever
Replied on: 12:11pm 09-23-2023
Thank u for clicking on my website, friend. We are united in our Love
1:22pm 09-13-2023
what machine do you Love?
my headphones
You are a rocksta rockstar
Replied on: 12:12pm 09-23-2023
I love you Helem. May your headphones whisper sweet nothings to you. And may you do the same back
11:31am 09-12-2023
what machine do you Love?
My electric toothbrush
Thanks for teach me 2 luv again
Replied on: 12:12pm 09-23-2023
NO Vian, Thank you for luving
5:36pm 09-03-2023
what machine do you Love?
im flooding!
Replied on: 7:07pm 09-03-2023
Love will bring you back to shore
12:55pm 09-02-2023
what a fun and heartfelt site!! <3
Replied on: 7:07pm 09-03-2023
Thank u for visiting!! May our hearts touch virtually
9:22am 08-25-2023
LOVE. My heart overflows. Beautiful site. Thank you